Posts Tagged ‘health care reform’

Pass this healthcare overhaul now!

It was a very close vote but the momentum of compromise is overturning a century’s past flawed health-care policy. Pre-existing conditions are of top concern and as such have “In addition to creating the so-called public option government run insurance program, the House-passed bill would bar insurers from denying people coverage because of pre-existing conditions and set up health care ‘exchanges,’ or marketplaces, where consumers could easily shop for coverage.” This is a much more fair system where I can get affordable insurance that covers my own medical needs.

Republicans argue that this will do nothing except increase the size of government. I was a Republican for a long time and dont see why they wouldnt want to see this happen. They like the government to get involved and bailout big banks and insurance companies who made risky investments with our money. In a country of multi-million dollar bonuses and bailout funding I see no reason why they cannot fully support policy change for banning pre-existing conditions.

There is hope. After Republicans got their compromise on funding abortion limitations, (which I agree with), they gave a signal that they would pass the bill. The revised bill states now “The change would permit abortion coverage for people receiving federal aid for their insurance only in the case of rape or incest or where the mother’s life is endangered. That change is consistent with a 1970s-era federal law governing public funding of abortion.” The only people that can use insurance for an abortion are people who pay for their own insurance privately. I do not feel abortion should ever be used as a method for birth control and certainly I myself do not wish my taxes to be used to fund this type of irresponsible behavior.

To the Blue Dog Coalition of 52 Dems I say the price is worth it. However, after looking at things, I dont think it will actually cost anything, I truly believe this new system will be much more efficient and save taxpayers money. The system today has indigent people everywhere going into hospitals and never paying a dime. Who has to pay that cost, we all do. And, its alot more expensive that way. Whats the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

I am all for giving it a shot. What do we have to lose by trying something different other than the status quo. Its time Americans stood up for Americans and take pride in our country with the knowledge that we take care of our own. To see the roll of votes click the following link

You know, really, if the Republicans had a plan for insurance reform they had plenty of time to pass it whilest they were in office. In truth this is not of concern for them because they have plenty of disposable money to pay for their own medical care costs.

This plan is for the working class, both middle and lower. I would think if most of you really knew what was going on you would see that this restructure is in the best interest of Americans as a whole. Please spend time reading the actual bill and get a conscious for doing the right thing for everyone in this land of the free and home of the brave.

Put your vote where your mouth is. So many people want to complain about whats wrong in our government. Well here is your chance to fix some of these wrongs. Get out there and press your Senators to pass this healthcare overhaul now.


Call your Congressmen on Oct 20 and tell them you want health reform

I realize their may be a chance that some of my readers may love animals while at the same time want to profit from the flaws in our medical system. Some of you will want to help the environment by producing solar and wind power but can care less what happens to animals and or the pets of this world. I seem to believe their are forces beyond our sight that are working to keep us splintered in our beliefs so that we never become a truly united front.

It seems to me that those of us who want change in the status quo period should be able to unite and stand together on a full range of issues. Frankly I am tired of hearing the same ole same ole crap that the big businessman will keep having his way at the expense of the labor and community at large. Isn’t it time we made our voices heard loud and clear.

If you were guranteed that your voice would matter and make the difference between good and evil what would you do? On Oct 20th we have a goal of 100,000 calls made to Congress on behalf of the people who desire a change in the now class system we experience in the United States. I am not promising this will be enough but I guarantee you that much traffic on the phonelines will make a statement. I see no reason we cant jam their phonelines all day long.

So comeon folks, lets make a difference in this world for the millions of Americans, myself included who need change in insurance policy. I realize if you are a medical professional you like the idea of making big money, maybe even without care of the process. I call bull and say think about the human race in general. Everyone who can sacrifice for the good of mankind and or the planet should. It makes you feel good and you know it.

Making a phone call only takes a minute of your time, and could matter for generations to come. I will be calling my guys on Tuesday, it would be nice if I could feel good knowing that you will be too.

The United Party

I have been thinking about this off and on for several years. For some reason I feel that I should unveil this and see what kind of response it gets. I have no doubt that Americans are tired of not having representation. I myself hate the fact that big business interests are always put ahead of all other.

We know we need change, but Obama  cant do it by himself or with his way. I applaud the intention and support him the best I can; but let face it, both parties truly favor business over the individual.  I really would like to see health reform or overhaul putting individuals over business.

I know a third party is not a new concept but this one is. I would like to start a party with both Republican and Democrat influence. A party that is a representation of the common man or woman’s interest at heart. This party will sit squarely between Democrats and Republicans and use the strengths of both sides together with a voice for the middle and lower classes.

While big money usually wins elections this platform will give the regular people of this country a big voice. This is the kind of change we need to get our troops back. This is the kind of change that will make possible health care policy that is representative of the masses. This the kind of change we need if we are ever going to change politics as usual, pork rolls and gross mismanagement of our taxes.

We will be looking for real leaders with big dreams and sound ideas. These people will not be far right or left but will have demonstrated their committment to fairness and kindness in both public and private. I believe a kind and compassionate leader who lives to help others makes a much better candidate for office than a corrupt politician.

I will soon put a petition on the site that you can put your digital signature saying you support the party. Also will have a place you can make nominations for someone you think would be a good person to take this. I will push it as far as I can but until a law is changed I cannot run for President.

Stop the wasting of our time and energy simply spinning in circles. We have to act now if we want to see a better world tomorrow. Between myself, my friends and the Internet we can change the world today!