Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

2 adopted foxes and the ‘stepmom’ dog

Living with two foxes around has changed my stereotype on them a lot.  They can be probably cunning as many different stories, from all different culture say but, they can be so lovely as well. I hope the left over female one, Jashi(nickname for a fox in Korean) can be near us for a long time, happily ever after…

Dog saves four newborn kittens from fire

Leo the plucky Jack Russel Cross guarding what’s left of the family home in Melbourne, Australia the day after his heroics.

It was ablaze when firefighters dodged fallen power lines to reach him and four newborn kittens he had refused to leave. Firefighters carried him out in the nick of time, reviving him with oxygen
and heart massage.

[Ken Brown, Metropolitan Fire Brigade]:
“Leo wouldn’t leave the kittens and it nearly cost him his life.”

An 11-year-old girl suffered smoke inhalation as she made her escape.

She was at home with her mother, a five-year-old sister and 18-year-old brother when the fire started in the front room.

Firefighters managed to rescue everyone.

And thanks to Leo, the kittens haven’t used up any of their nine lives.

Dog saves newborn BABY amazing animal!!

An abandoned newborn is safe thanks to a stray dog who cared for it along with her pups. CNN’s Rosemary Church reports.

Turkish Animal Rescue Organisation ~ TARO – Great group in severe need of funds to continue their work

TARO~ Turkish Animal Rescue Organisation – Donation link –
Turkish Animal Rescue Organisation is an all volunteer (nonprofit) rescue organization based in UK.  Dedicated to the welfare, sheltering and placement of homeless animals in Turkey. We are committed to educating the public about the humane treatment of animals, preventing animal cruelty and overpopulation and promoting animal welfare in Turkey.

Turkey has a huge population of stray dogs.. many are removed from populated areas by the municipality authorities to forests where they struggle to survive.. no food, no water, in the summer extreme heat and in the winter freezing conditions.

UPDATE… Kestane is now in Bulgaria at a quarantine kennels PAWS Bulgaria : We are so pleased with her progress
Today our TARO dogs get a very special visit from our friend and TARO volunteer from Germany …. and WOW what a welcome she got…

Fantastic Organization in Thailand…check them out!

About The Soi Dog Foundation

The story of Tai Chi, one dog, among literally thousands that people like you have helped tells the story of Soi Dog. Tai Chi was found lying in the gutter, severely malnourished and could not even stand. The first photo you see is of Tai Chi when he was first brought to the shelter. The second photo was taken a month later with his new, loving owner Ina.

Soi Dog Foundation is a not-for-profit, legally registered charitable organization in Thailand, the United States, Australia, France and Holland. Soi Dog helps the homeless, neglected and abused dogs and cats of Thailand. Our aim is to set an example for the Asian region on how to humanely reduce the number of unwanted dogs and cats through spaying and neutering, and to better the lives and living conditions of the stray dogs and feral cats of Asia.
De-sexing (Sterilization) has been proven to be the most effective way to help the animals. Soi Dog has has reached a milestone of over 33,000 dogs and cats sterilized! Totaling 33,637 dogs and cats as of July 2011.

Soi Dog is made up of people like yourself, be they financial supporters, field or shelter volunteers, fundraisers etc. with a common goal of helping neglected and abused dogs & cats. If you would like to join Soi Dog either by becoming a sponsor of a dog or cat, or as a local or international volunteer please click on the orange links above.

To this end the Soi Dog Foundation has…

  • Soi Dog has reached a milestone of over 33,000 dogs and cats sterilized! Totaling 33,637 dogs and cats as of July 2011.


  • Thousands more have been treated for injury and disease by providing emergency and ongoing veterinary treatment for abused and neglected dogs and cats.


  • Provides free veterinary treatment for those who cannot afford it at its clinic in Mai Khao.


  • Feeds hundreds of dogs and cats in temples and other locations.


How you can help

  • Your financial support will make an immediate impact in helping the stray and neglected animals. The most effective way you can make a difference in the lives of these animals is by Sponsoring A Dog Or Cat Today. Soi Dog relies entirely on your donations to continue our work.
  • Shelter Land Appeal 2 – Soi Dog is currently raising money to purchase the remainder of the land on which our Shelter is located. We are appealing to our supporters to help by “purchasing” one or more square meters of the land as a way of helping. Please click here for more details: Shelter Land Appeal 2
  • Soi Dogs – The Movie –  is now available for purchase on high quality DVD. This is an entertaining documentary which follows the lives of the local Soi Dog team in their mission to help the dogs & cats of Thailand. You may wish to consider purchasing a copy for yourself and also copies for your friends and loved ones. To purchase one or more copies today please click here:Soi Dogs – The Movie
  • You may wish to consider one of the above options as a gift to friends or family members. Soi Dog can send gift certificates to friends or family members as a personalized acknowledgement of your gift with a difference.

 Why do we do it?


                       Glory Before Treatment        Glory After Treatment 

Click here to find out why we do it

(Note: This link contains graphic images.)

Soi Dogs charity registration numbers are: Thailand: Phor.Gor. 39/2548, registration number USA: 27-1600444  registration number Australia: 58982568831, charity registration number in Holland: 37120202, charity registration number in France: W332011412.

A SURPRISE FOR HANAKO!…. Hanako’s making good progress, everyone (including Shiver) is in love with this tiny girl. She has the most sweetest nature & her determination to walk is amazing! Weekends are normally spent in the clinic, but there’s a surprise in store for Hanako!

Soi Dog takes in puppies like Hanako every week, which is why Shiver’s Puppy Care Club was started to help with the intensive care often required with these poor puppies. Please consider joining Shiver’s Club today so that more puppies like Hanako can be saved: — with Gill Dalley and 11 others.

Length: ‎2:10

Please help secure the future for dogs like Shiver today…

You can make a huge difference for Shiver and the thousands of other animals Soi Dog cares for now and into the future by helping to make sure that their shelter is secure.  The remaining shelter land must be purchased by October of this year or the future of Soi Dog is in serious trouble as much of the shelters critical care facilities are located there. Please take a moment to watch this video of Shiver telling his story…
A long time benefactor of Soi Dog has generously offered to match your donation dollar for dollar up to $66,000 (46,000 Euros). What this means is that your donation is doubled!

Given this offer and at this critical point in time please consider making as generous of a donation as you possibly can to allow us to keep our promise to all the dogs and cats Soi Dog cares for on Phuket.

The shelter land must be purchased by October of this year or dogs like Shiver will be without refuge. Many thanks to the generosity of our supporters across the world who are helping. The target is now in sight not just a distant dream. However an additional $30,500 must still be raised to meet the October deadline.

To help the dogs and cats through a donation each month…

Your donation is needed now to secure the future for the dogs and cats. A certificate of appreciation recognizing your gift will be sent to you. A donation of $25 or equivalent each month will secure one square meter of the shelter land every month! A one time donation of $75 will secure 3 square meters of the shelter land!

Recurring Donation:     $ U.S. Dollars £ UK Pounds $ Canadian Dollars € Euros ¥ Japanese Yen $ Australian Dollars Kr Swedish Krona Danish Krone Hong Kong Dollar Norweign Krone New Zealand Dollars Singapore Dollars Swiss Franc Thai Bhat           Amount:   5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 750.00 1000.00 1500.00 2000.00 2500.00 5000.00 10000.00 15000.00 20000.00

To help the dogs and cats through a one time donation…

        One Time Donation:    $ U.S. Dollars £ UK Pounds $ Canadian Dollars € Euros ¥ Japanese Yen $ Australian Dollars Kr Swedish Krona Danish Krone Hong Kong Dollar Norweign Krone New Zealand Dollars Singapore Dollars Swiss Franc Thai Bhat       Amount:     5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 750.00 1000.00 1500.00 2000.00 2500.00 5000.00 10000.00 15000.00 20000.00

If you would like to donate with a bank transfer or check please click here: Click Here To Donate By Direct Bank Transfer

Please consider increasing your impact by sharing this urgent appeal with your friends on Facebook…

Zsa-Zsa is scheduled to be put down at Arlington Animal Services TODAY! Contact Renee Morrisbefore it’s too late!

This is Zsa-Zsa the Cat

Zsa-Zsa is scheduled to be put down at Arlington Animal Services TODAY! Contact Renee Morrisbefore it’s too late!
Age: Approx. 4 Months    Gender: Female    Kennel #CA 44 ID#13645046

Personality / Description


Where to Adopt

Arlington Animal Services
1000 SE Green Oaks, ARLINGTON, TX 76018

Advocate, Adopt or Foster…great local resource

Pet Pardons
Help Grant a Pardon to a Pet on Death Row. Just find the Pet you want to help and click on the Advocate button and that Pet will instantly be posted to your Wall for your friends to see. If enough people Advocate for a Pet then the chances are they will get a Pardon, which means a new forever home.

Costco sells red listed fish every day

This is a copy of my letter to the company today.

As a consumer, I care about what’s at my Costco. Our oceans deserve better. Costco needs to be a leader in ocean conservation, not a contributor to ocean destruction. I want Costco to have a sustainable seafood policy and stop selling red list seafood, starting immediately with orange roughy and Chilean sea bass.

Your customers want to know the truth. Stop hiding and let your customers make informed decisions about their purchases. I want Costco to have sustainable seafood and transparent labeling for all of us to see.

Costco must also begin to stand up for the oceans and support positive environmental change.

In almost every Costco store you’ll find freezers and coolers full of unsustainable fish. In fact, Greenpeace surveys found that Costco continues to sell fifteen of the twenty-two red list seafood items.
This is illegal! I will publicize the heck out of this until you decide to do the right thing. This really pisses me off.

In such a competitive world I would think you would realize how this publicity will effect your business.

Win Without War!

  I’m writing to ask you to oppose the supplemental appropriation for the war in Afghanistan, and to co-sponsor Rep. McGovern’s bill requiring a timeline for the withdrawal of US troops, H.R. 5015.

As a senior advisor to Gen. McChrystal admits in this week’s issue of Rolling Stone Magazine “If Americans pulled back and started paying attention to this war, it would become even less popular.” Our top Commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, and his staff know the hard truth – that our surge strategy is failing.

Earlier this month Gen. Stanley McChrystal called the escalating conflict in Marja a “bleeding ulcer.” A public affairs exercise designed to sell the surge to Americans and Afghans alike, this offensive has instead exposed the weaknesses of the surge strategy. Violence has increased, the vast majority of the local population, 71%, want NATO troops to leave and 61% feel MORE NEGATIVE about NATO forces than they did before the offensive began.

A majority of the American public know it is time for the US military to begin leaving Afghanistan. Spending over $100 billion sending nearly 100,000 troops half way around the world to defend against what the President’s National Security Advisor Jim Jones admitted is less than 100 members of al Qaeda in Afghanistan doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t make America any safer.

I strongly encourage you to oppose the supplemental appropriation for the war in Afghanistan, and co-sponsor Rep. McGovern’s bill requiring a timeline for the withdrawal of US troops, H.R. 5015.

HR 5143

I believe that our nation’s criminal justice system is in dire need of repair. The United States is home to just five percent of the world’s population, but it hosts 25 percent of the world’s prison population. Over the past four decades, the war on drugs has led to an astonishing and unacceptable increase in the number of Americans behind bars.

I am so sick of hearing that child molesters and rapists are being let walk the streets so that pot smokers can instead take their places! Its time to get smart with our financial resources and get our priorities straight. Then consider all the drug war is doing to our borders. This is simply a case of a few politicians and drug lords making money while the greater majority of us pay all the expense and get nothing in return. If you tax pot and use the money to cure common diseases I think our country will be much better off. These laws doing nothing except make bad matters worse.

A criminal justice approach to illicit drug use has resulted in arrests for low-level, nonviolent drug crimes on a massive scale, and lengthy mandatory minimum prison sentences have stripped judges of discretion and cost state and federal governments many billions of dollars. Because of these failed policies, families and communities are torn apart every day, and communities of color have been disproportionately impacted.

It’s time to reexamine the United States’ criminal justice system. The National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2010 (HR 5143) would create a national commission to evaluate every aspect of the criminal justice system, including drug policy, and set the groundwork for the reforms we so desperately need.

I urge you to join the call for criminal justice reform by supporting HR 5143.