Archive for the ‘Rant and Rave’ Category

Republicans apologized… to BP.

You won’t believe this.

While President Obama was securing funds from BP to pay for the damage their oil spill is wrecking on families in the Gulf, Republicans apologized… to BP.

Yes, Texas Congressman Joe Barton actually apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward and called it “a tragedy in the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown.” That’s right – Republicans think the “tragedy” is that BP will have to pay victims of their disaster.

This isn’t from some backbencher. Republicans want to put Congressman Barton in charge of the entire Energy and Commerce committee!

With our June 30th FEC reporting deadline fast approaching, now is the time to send an overwhelming message that Americans will not stand by as Republicans shamelessly shill for their Big Oil backers. The national media will use our grassroots totals to judge our will to fight against the Grand Oil Party.

Organizing For America..we all deserve healthcare.

Pass this healthcare overhaul now!

It was a very close vote but the momentum of compromise is overturning a century’s past flawed health-care policy. Pre-existing conditions are of top concern and as such have “In addition to creating the so-called public option government run insurance program, the House-passed bill would bar insurers from denying people coverage because of pre-existing conditions and set up health care ‘exchanges,’ or marketplaces, where consumers could easily shop for coverage.” This is a much more fair system where I can get affordable insurance that covers my own medical needs.

Republicans argue that this will do nothing except increase the size of government. I was a Republican for a long time and dont see why they wouldnt want to see this happen. They like the government to get involved and bailout big banks and insurance companies who made risky investments with our money. In a country of multi-million dollar bonuses and bailout funding I see no reason why they cannot fully support policy change for banning pre-existing conditions.

There is hope. After Republicans got their compromise on funding abortion limitations, (which I agree with), they gave a signal that they would pass the bill. The revised bill states now “The change would permit abortion coverage for people receiving federal aid for their insurance only in the case of rape or incest or where the mother’s life is endangered. That change is consistent with a 1970s-era federal law governing public funding of abortion.” The only people that can use insurance for an abortion are people who pay for their own insurance privately. I do not feel abortion should ever be used as a method for birth control and certainly I myself do not wish my taxes to be used to fund this type of irresponsible behavior.

To the Blue Dog Coalition of 52 Dems I say the price is worth it. However, after looking at things, I dont think it will actually cost anything, I truly believe this new system will be much more efficient and save taxpayers money. The system today has indigent people everywhere going into hospitals and never paying a dime. Who has to pay that cost, we all do. And, its alot more expensive that way. Whats the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

I am all for giving it a shot. What do we have to lose by trying something different other than the status quo. Its time Americans stood up for Americans and take pride in our country with the knowledge that we take care of our own. To see the roll of votes click the following link

You know, really, if the Republicans had a plan for insurance reform they had plenty of time to pass it whilest they were in office. In truth this is not of concern for them because they have plenty of disposable money to pay for their own medical care costs.

This plan is for the working class, both middle and lower. I would think if most of you really knew what was going on you would see that this restructure is in the best interest of Americans as a whole. Please spend time reading the actual bill and get a conscious for doing the right thing for everyone in this land of the free and home of the brave.

Put your vote where your mouth is. So many people want to complain about whats wrong in our government. Well here is your chance to fix some of these wrongs. Get out there and press your Senators to pass this healthcare overhaul now.


Credit Card reform and the CPA-Consumer Protection Agency

HR 3639 will move up the implementation date of the Credit CARD Reform Act to Dec. 1, rather than Feb. 22, 2010. Since Congress passed this bill in May, credit card companies have been hiking interest rates on customers’ balances, increasing penalty fees and doubling minimum payments. Meanwhile, countless good customers who pay on time each month are suffering.
Implementing the law now will prevent further abuses at the hands of the banks, and make sure that they comply with the intent of this law. The reality is consumers can’t afford another four months of these abusive tactics while the banks find new ways to increase their profits at our expense. I urge you to put these already-approved reforms in place now.

The banks’ recent behavior when it comes to our credit cards underscores the need for fast-acting, effective oversight at the federal level, rather than a new piece of legislation each time a problem like this arises. To achieve that, I also urge you to support a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) whose only job will be to look out for consumers when it comes to abusive financial practices, including credit cards, loans and mortgages.

HR 3126 will put in place an effective CFPA watchdog who looks out for us, not just the banks. Right now, there is no federal banking agency whose primary job is to predict and prevent harm to consumers from new banking and credit practices.
We need a strong federal watchdog to write new consumer protection rules against unfair practices, and keep those rules up to date. Those rules should apply to every type of credit product, bank account and payment method. And the states should be allowed to set even stronger rules to protect against new threats facing their residents. I urge you to pass a strong bill and oppose any weakening amendments.
American consumers are the backbone of our economy, and we’re tired of getting the short end of the stick when it comes to financial products like credit cards. I urge you to put in place reforms approved in the Credit CARD Act immediately, and support the CFPA as well. It’s time Congress gives real help and sensible protections to consumers from financial abuses — rather than taxpayer bailouts to the big banks that got us in this mess.

End the Use of Live Pigs in Baystate Medical Center’s Trauma Training Program

Immediately replace the use of live animals in Baystate’s Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) program with an American College of Surgeons-approved alternative such as the TraumaMan System. Baystate’s state-of-the-art medical simulation center, which currently owns TraumaMan, affords you the opportunity to seamlessly transition to nonanimal training methods.

Your program is outdated and unnecessary. Finally it is mainstream to realize the impact medical research on animals is having on our society. The only people that will now agree with this are people who view animals as property and disposable. Trust me when I tell you that as long as I have air in my lungs I will do what is necessary to get your program shut down.

What kind of sick person finds value from needless animal torture? There is a strong correlation between these people and those that have little respect for women in general. These are also the same people you will find who wear white robes or wear swastika’s on their arms.

Believe you me the poop is getting ready to hit the fan if you don’t take immediate steps to change this policy. We can easily label your school and get you worldwide bad press if that’s what you desire.

Judge testifies in support of marijuana regulation.

Shut Up Dog or I’ll Have Your Vocal Chords Removed

Cruel pet owners remove vocal cords to stop barking

Cruel pet owners remove vocal cords to stop barking

posted by: alicia graef

Unfortunately, some pet owners who are looking for a little peace and quiet may choose to have their pets devocalized, or debarked, to get it. If you missed this last time around, you can read the full post here.

Devocalizing involves a not so minor surgery with a high risk of complications that uses either an oral approach, or a laryngotomy that essentially results in cutting or removing an animal’s vocal chords, a controversial procedure many veterinarians will also refuse to perform.

“One snip of soft tissue in the back of the throat is the most painful thing. Many times, the dog has to be re-operated on because the membrane grows over it. It’s not good for the dog. It’s only good for people,” according to Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a professor at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University and renowned animal behaviorist.

This type of quick fix also does nothing to encourage responsible pet ownership, and is an easy way out of working on behavior modification.

Some who are in favor of this “convenience surgery” argue that it can help animals who may otherwise be surrendered to shelters due to barking. However, debarked dogs still wind up in shelters and may also have a harder time finding homes, since some may find the wheezing, raspy or throaty sounds they make even more bizarre and irritating than barking.

Once devocalized, dogs also lose their ability to communicate and socialize normally, which may cause frustration and lead to behavioral issues, along with making them potentially dangerous to people without their ability to give warnings when they’re upset.

As the result of a grassroots effort led by Care2 member Jordan Star, the Animal Law Coalition (ALC) has drafted a bill, An Act to Prohibit Devocalization of Dogs and Cats (H.B. 344), sponsored by Rep. Lida Harkins, and co-sponsored by numerous others, that would ban devocalizing dogs and cats in Massachusetts, unless it’s done for medical reasons.

Currently the bill is still waiting in Committee, and is getting some opposition from the likes of puppy mill breeders, hoarders, dog fighters and those who think they can do whatever they want with their pets because, well, they’re just a piece of property, right?

If you live in Massachusetts, please take a minute to contact your legislators today asking them to support HB 244 as written. If you don’t know who your legislators are, call 1-800-462-8683 or go to and fill in your address and then look for “Rep and Senate in General Court.”

Please also sign Care2’s petition to ban devocalization.

If you’re not a resident of Massachusetts but know someone who is then spread the word!

Read more: animal welfare

ITS A GOOD THING I DONT KNOW ANYONE PULLING THIS CRAP! Its just ridiculous what souless humans have been getting away with for so long now. Thats as bad a taking a teenage boy and castrating him so he doesnt get a girl pregnant. If you read this I hope you are ticked off that this could be allowed in our country. Make sure you give someone a piece of your mind about this and spread awareness please.

Call your Congressmen on Oct 20 and tell them you want health reform

I realize their may be a chance that some of my readers may love animals while at the same time want to profit from the flaws in our medical system. Some of you will want to help the environment by producing solar and wind power but can care less what happens to animals and or the pets of this world. I seem to believe their are forces beyond our sight that are working to keep us splintered in our beliefs so that we never become a truly united front.

It seems to me that those of us who want change in the status quo period should be able to unite and stand together on a full range of issues. Frankly I am tired of hearing the same ole same ole crap that the big businessman will keep having his way at the expense of the labor and community at large. Isn’t it time we made our voices heard loud and clear.

If you were guranteed that your voice would matter and make the difference between good and evil what would you do? On Oct 20th we have a goal of 100,000 calls made to Congress on behalf of the people who desire a change in the now class system we experience in the United States. I am not promising this will be enough but I guarantee you that much traffic on the phonelines will make a statement. I see no reason we cant jam their phonelines all day long.

So comeon folks, lets make a difference in this world for the millions of Americans, myself included who need change in insurance policy. I realize if you are a medical professional you like the idea of making big money, maybe even without care of the process. I call bull and say think about the human race in general. Everyone who can sacrifice for the good of mankind and or the planet should. It makes you feel good and you know it.

Making a phone call only takes a minute of your time, and could matter for generations to come. I will be calling my guys on Tuesday, it would be nice if I could feel good knowing that you will be too.

Put pet oxygen masks on every fire truck!

This is a GREAT idea. I had never thought of it until I read the story below. I too had a dog die in a house fire and can attest that yes you can lose your possessions but when I lost my dog (Mrs.Brown) it was like losing a best friend. I had 7 dogs at the time and only had enough time to get 6 out, I couldnt find her. We found her at 4 am the next morning in a ball inside one of the bathrooms. It is an aweful feeling I will never shake.

I will find out today if my local fire department has one. If not, it will be my donation. You can do the same in your community.

Firefighters can use a dog oxygen mask to save lives

Firefighters can use a dog oxygen mask to save lives

A homeowner in Ogden, UT was grateful when firefighters arrived on the scene at his smoke-filled house earlier this week.  They pulled him and his old cocker spaniel to safety.  But a few minutes after the rescue, the dog began having trouble breathing and died from smoke inhalation. 

Did you know that an estimated half million pets are involved in house fires every year and that more than 40,000 of them die because of smoke inhalation?

 But like so many statistics in the world of animal welfare, there is a simple fix for these sad facts; add a pet oxygen mask to every fire truck and ambulance in the country.

With the right equipment, firefighters and emergency medical responders say they could save the lives of many pets.  

 October is National Fire Safety Month and Bark 10-4 is using the occasion to launch a campaign that will get a pet oxygen mask on board every fire truck.  These masks are effective on dogs, cats and other companion animals.

 Information from a press release by Bark 10-4 reported that there are more than 30,000 fire departments and emergency medical offices nationwide and many of them don’t have the funds to buy a pet oxygen mask for each of their trucks.

 So Bark 10-4 has created a sponsorship program for the public to purchase a mask for their local fire department.  The mask costs $25.00 and the sponsor can designate which specific fire department receives the gift. 

 “Vets have used oxygen masks designed especially for animals for years,” said Lisa Huston of SurgiVet, the manufacturer of the mask.   “These masks have found their way into the hands of first responders primarily through word of mouth and the generosity of compassionate pet owners.  This program will go a long way toward raising awareness about a product that can save a lot of pets’ lives.”

 Last spring the Rocky Mountain Telegraph reported a story about a house fire that was fully engulfed by flames when firefighters arrived.  Inside they found the bodies of three newborn puppies and their mother.  As they carried each one outside, they realized that one of the puppies moved a little.

 They cooled off his body with water and placed their newly donated pet oxygen mask over his face.  The puppy responded to the treatment.

“When he was first brought out, he was virtually lifeless – showing only a small amount of movement,” Fire Chief Keith McGee said. “And then within about 10 minutes, he began to move around a great deal – trying to wriggle away, out of the oxygen mask – and he began to whine and try to bark.”

Click here to learn more about the Bark 10-4 Campaign.

I was mislead about Florida

I have had to make 3 phone calls this morning to my Congressman, both at the Federal and State levels. The more I read about this state the less I like it. I came from Texas where there were no other opinions outside of animals and pets are property and can be used and discarded however they seem fit. I dealt with this ignorance for most of my life and wanted to move to an animal friendly state.

Florida will protect a manatee but could care less about a greyhound. They care more about preserving plants then they do about the wildlife. Tell me why I had the impression before I came that Florida was different than Texas. You can bet you bottom dollar that if the public knew what was going on, tourism would suffer. All nature and animal lovers need to be informed and I plan to make it happen if I dont see some quick progress here.

Florida is just a mirage folks. It is certainly not as friendly as it is made out to be.

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