Posts Tagged ‘wolves’

Judge: Idaho Wolf Hunts Will Continue

Save America's Wolves


Court Rules to
Continue Hunts

Wolf in Meadow (National Geographic Stock)

A federal court has rejected our motion for a preliminary injunction to stop wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana, but ruled that we are likely to prevail in our challenge to the federal government’s elimination of federal protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana.

> Read the judge’s ruling.  (PDF)


I’ve got some bad news: At 7:53 PM last night, a federal court decided not to take immediate action to stop wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana.

I’m sure you share my profound disappointment that the wolf hunts will — at least for the moment — continue, but today’s decision does have an important silver lining:

The court also ruled that, based on the merits of our case, we have a strong chance of ultimately prevailing in our legal challenge of the Interior Department’s delisting of wolves in Idaho and Montana and restoring vital federal protections for these wolves.

You can read the judge’s ruling here. (PDF)

While we are disappointed that the court did not issue an injunction, we are encouraged that the court seems to agree with us that the Obama Department of the Interior’s delisting the wolf was illegal and appears — as we have repeatedly said — to have reflected a political, rather than a science-based, decision.

Defenders of Wildlife will continue to move quickly in the days and weeks ahead to win our lawsuit and restore protections for these wolves. And, with your help, we’ll continue to vigorously pursue our five-point plan to save the lives of these wolves. Specifically, we’ll: 

  • Continue the fight in court to restore protections for wolves.
  • Counter anti-wolf lies in the media.
  • Work on the ground to reduce conflicts between wolves and livestock producers.
  • Mobilize wildlife activists to save wolves.
  • Bring lawless wolf killers to justice.

Thank you for all you’ve done to help save our wolves! Together, I know we can prevail.

For the Wild Ones,


Rodger Schlickeisen Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife


P.S. The fight ahead is a tough one. Please consider becoming a Wildlife Guardian and help support this vital legal fight and our five-point plan to save wolves with a monthly contribution of whatever you can afford. We can’t win for wolves without your help!

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Do you have 5 seconds for a good cause?

Do You Have Five Seconds for a Cause?

posted by: Rebecca Young 10 hours ago
Do You Have Five Seconds for a Cause?

I wonder how many times we click on the computer every day. Hundreds? Thousands? How many of those clicks really mean something?

Every week tens of thousands of people take just a few seconds out of their day to click for a cause on Care2. And those clicks are not symbolic — each click generates a real cash donation from sponsorships, and Care2 pools all of these donations to give to our nonprofit partners.

When you click to sponsor children in need, your click helps more than you can imagine. Because of all of the people who click every day, Care2 has been able to sponsor 14 children since 2004 through Children International and we have just sponsored two more, Fridah in Zambia and Santanu in India. Sixteen children in countries around the world now receive medical care, school supplies, clothing, sturdy shoes, tuition for education and so much more because you click.

Care2 just launched a new look for the click to donate site, and the changes are not just cosmetic. The back end of the site has been completely reengineered to make it faster for users, and easier for Care2 to maintain and keep up to date.

With this redesign Care2 has kept all of the existing causes you can click for and added a “Click to Protect Threatened Wolves.” This new click for wolves comes none too soon, as the first-ever state regulated hunt of gray wolves in the continental United States began this week in Idaho. Hundreds of wolves could be killed, but our partner Defenders of Wildlife has joined with 12 other conservation groups to challenge this hunt in court. Defenders of Wildlife has been a leader in wolf conservation since wolves first appeared on the federal endangered species list, and played a crucial role in the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho in 1995. Every day you click for wolves you generate a real cash donation to help Defenders of Wildlife protect Idaho’s wolves, end aerial hunting in Alaska, and continue efforts to expand wolf recovery in the Northern Rockies.

I estimate someone could click through to Care2’s click to donate site and click one of the buttons in five seconds. Anyone who is online can spare four seconds. And now that the site is considerably faster, you can easily click on all of the causes in under a minute.

So … can you spare a few seconds today? Visit and make a real difference for a cause!

Read more: wolves, children, human rights, click for children in need, click to donate

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New Media for the site

My hope is that you watch a video and its stirs your soul towards preserving our environment and making the world a better place.

Wild Life

Marine Life




Secret Societies


Update:70,000 permits to kill wolves in Idaho

70,000 Guns Target Idaho’s wolves. Hundreds of Wolves Will Die

Guns surround a dead wolf (composite)

This year, state officials estimate that they will issue 70,000 permits to kill as many as 220 of the 1,000 wolves in Idaho. Even more wolves could die.

Late yesterday we filed an emergency motion in court to stop the Idaho wolf hunt. Will you help support our fight?

YES! I want to help save these wolves and other imperiled wildlife with my donation of…


Radio Button (unchecked) $25
Radio Button $47 – The cost of four in-state wolf hunting permits
Radio Button (unchecked) $70  – One dollar for every 1,000 wolf hunting permits to be issued
Radio Button (unchecked) $220 – The official number of wolves to be shot in year’s hunting season alone
Radio Button (unchecked) Another Amount


Stop the Idaho Wolf Hunt

Help support emergency legal action to stop Idaho’s fall wolf hunt!

In just three days, state officials in Idaho will begin selling some 70,000 permits to shoot and kill up to 220 of the 1,000 wolves living in Idaho — and that’s just this year!

Unless we stop them, hundreds of defenseless wolves will be killed. Orphaned wolf pups that are unable to hunt for themselves will be left to starve to death during the brutal winter months. Sadly, these wolf mothers, fathers and pups have no idea that they’re about to be targeted and no way to protect themselves.

Please help us stand up for these animals and STOP IDAHO’S DEADLY WOLF HUNT.

Thanks to generous Defenders supporters — people who care about animals like you do — our lawyers filed an emergency motion late yesterday to stop these deadly wolf hunts. It will be a difficult legal fight against rich groups like Safari Club International, and we need your support to win for wolves.

Please donate whatever you can today to support our efforts to save these wolves.

Idaho officials have announced they plan to allow hunters to target the 1,000 wolves in Idaho, shooting and killing up to 220 wolves during this hunting season alone.

More than 500 wolves could be killed over the next two years under the state’s wolf plan. But the true results of the state’s plans may be even worse, leading to mass death for Idaho’s wolves, including those leaving the safety of Yellowstone National Park:


  • When wolf parents are shot during the fall, some pups will be too young to feed themselves and will likely starve to death — assuming those pups are not shot themselves.
  • Idaho Fish & Game estimates that it will issue an estimated 70,000 permits to hunt and kill up to 220 wolves, even though there are only about 1,000 wolves in the entire state of Idaho!  
  • The state legislature has declared that it wants to remove all wolves from the state “by whatever means necessary” and Governor Butch Otter has declared he wants to be the first one to buy a ticket to shoot a wolf. He literally howled with delight when Interior Secretary Ken Salazar eliminated Endangered Species Act protections for wolves.  

It’s unbelievable. We have to stop it.


We’ve won for wolves in court before because of the compassionate support of caring people like you, and we can do it again.

Last year, Defenders of Wildlife helped convince a federal judge to stop the wolf killing and restore life-saving federal protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies. Unbelievably, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar decided to adopt the discredited and illegal path charted by the Bush administration and strip wolves in the Northern Rockies of vital federal protections — a decision we’re now challenging in federal court.

Please donate now to help us save the lives of hundreds of wolf mothers, fathers and pups in Idaho.

For the Wild Ones,

Rodger Schlickeisen Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. 70,000 guns trained on these helpless animals.  With your help, we can fight to prevent it. Please make a secure donation online today to help support our legal fight and other efforts to save wildlife or call 1-800-385-9712 to contribute over the phone.


Dear Michael,

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Save America’s Wolves! We Must Act Now…

Save America's Wolves

Idaho Aims for Unprecedented Wolf Slaughter  

Guns trained on a wolf (composite)

This year, state officials will issue an estimated 70,000 permits to hunt wolves in Idaho. In-state wolf-killing permits will cost just $11.75.

Stop the Idaho Wolf Hunt

Help support emergency legal action to stop Idaho’s fall wolf hunt!


Late yesterday, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game made a tragic announcement:

Starting Monday, the department will begin selling an estimated 70,000 permits to hunt and kill wolves in Idaho. That’s 70 guns for each wolf mother, father and pup in Idaho!


This could be the worst wolf massacre in the Lower 48 United States since the 1930s. Hundreds of defenseless wolves will be shot, with many surviving wolf pups left to starve to death. Unless we stop it.

We’ve won the fight for wolves in court before, and we can do it again. Last year,Defenders of Wildlife and our allies convinced a federal judge to stop wolf killing in Wyoming and secured a reprieve for wolves in the Northern Rockies. Now we need your help to win again for our wolves.

With the lives of so many wolves hanging in the balance, Defenders of Wildlife needs your support to prevent the worst wolf massacre in decades. I hope we can count on your support.

For the Wild Ones,


Rodger Schlickeisen Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife


P.S. These wolves don’t have much time — the Idaho wolf hunting season begins in just 14 days. Please make a secure donation online today to support our legal fight and other efforts to save wildlife or call 1-800-385-9712 to contribute over the phone.



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