Looks Like IHOP is a NOSTOP!

IHOP Still Using Eggs from Battery Cages

posted by: Aimee Gertsch 4 days ago
IHOP Still Using Eggs from Battery Cages

Many major restaurant chains have taken steps to be more humane to the animals that supply their food. Most have made the change from using eggs that come from hens housed in battery cages, to using eggs that come from hens that are cage-free.

If you aren’t aware of what a battery cage is, it is a cage that is so small the hen has no room to turn around. In fact, they can barely move at all inside the cage, which is about the size of a piece of notepaper.

The Humane Society of the United States did an undercover investigation recently and found that the egg supplier of the national chain, IHOP, had horrible conditions. In addition to still using battery cages, they found filthy conditions, and worse than that, birds forced to live in cages along side of corpses of other birds.

For whatever reason IHOP is not yet using cage free eggs. If you want to join to help influence IHOP to stop using battery cages, The Humane Society has many ways that you can help, including an easy email form to fill out, and the phone numbers of important individuals to call.

Of course, there is also consumer power. You can “vote with your dollars” and stay away from IHOP until they make the change. Gratefully, with help from those who care, The Humane Society of the United States persuaded companies such as Wendy’s, Ben and Jerry’s, and Trader Joe’s to enact cage-free egg policies. There is little doubt that positive changes can be made.

To learn more, please visit their site, where you can watch a video of the undercover expose, as well as take actions to help the cause.

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  1. […] Source: Appalacian News Express – Sep 24, 2009 Update posted on Sep 25, 2009 – 1:08AM  Back to Top […]


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